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Jeanine Finocchio - Delanco, NJ

"This little group was the perfect addition to my daughter's routine. The board members were amazing and the extra activities/events planned were so sweet and special. I did not know what to expect in September but took a chance and am so glad I did! Thank you for everything!"

Kristen Esposito - Mount Laurel, NJ

"I am so grateful and thankful for being a part of this amazing community. The experiences my children and I had are priceless and would not be had anywhere else. We have met so many amazing people and made long lasting friends. I hope FCP continues to grow and lasts for years to come."

Amy Birdsall - Medford, NJ

"Family Circle really saved me when I was a new stay-at-home-mom. It was a big adjustment! One LONG day I wondered what we were going to do for five years until the kids were in school! I pulled out the phone book and found FCP. It was less expensive than some music or gym classes that I had heard about. That was two years ago, and my kids and I have made some great friends and have enjoyed some wonderful activities. Anyone who is interested should visit a class. You will be glad you did!"

Andie Schubert Hymanson

"This is my 3rd year at FCP and I love it! Being able to see my daughter in a classroom like setting at such a young age was very comforting to me. She enjoys going each week and I do too! We love the in house events that are free to members too."

Dina Strachan - Cherry Hill, NJ

"When I first started at Family Circle, I was worried about how I would manage with my 2 year-old son, who was just diagnosed as special needs, and my infant daughter as a tagalong. As it turned out, it was easier than I thought because I had eight other moms helping my son with crafts, hand washing, and everything else while I fed the baby! The other parents were remarkable in their support and assistance. Four years later, it's my third child's turn, and he is enjoying FCP every bit as much as my other two did."

Laura Cannon - Burlington, NJ

"My daughter and I have truly enjoyed our two years with FCP! We have met some wonderful friends and it has been a joy to watch the children grow together. It is such a unique opportunity to expose your young child to a preschool environment without them feeling the anxiety of being dropped off without their caregiver. It has given my daughter a great introduction to a school setting and has made her excited to start "big girl" preschool. We will miss our FCP time!"

Contact Us

Family Circle Playgroup

P.O. Box 537, Moorestown, NJ 08057

